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Your STFU Workshop Includes…

  • STFU Workshop - Attend the full day and a half live workshop. The combination of the unique content and more importantly - the energy flowing throughout the workshop - will quantum leap your psychic and intuitive abilities. You’ll begin to unlock levels of abilities that would otherwise take years.
  • Ho’o Ku’u Recording - Recording of the quick release process that’s the equivalent of years of therapy and coaching in minutes. Get over the blocks preventing you from moving towards health, wealth, and happiness, and being more psychic and intuitive.
  • Chakra Clearing Meditation - This audio helps clear any blocks in your 7 chakras… So you can experience more in your career, sexuality and pleasure, personal power and drive, love and relationships, self expression, and of course intuition and spiritual connection. This is unlike any other meditation you’ll ever find.
  • ​Huna Hiolani Meditation Webinar And Audio Recording - You can use the Hiolani Meditation to get into deep states of trance, raise your vibration, and connection to the higher realms. And the webinar content will immensely simplify and make your meditation practice easier - most people have meditation all wrong.

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What Our Students are Saying About Psychic Development...

“Working With Dr. Patrick Scott Was The Breakthrough I’ve Been Waiting For, For Years! Every Single Area Of My Life Has Measurably Improved.”

- Darryl Elvina
“Working with Dr. Patrick Scott to clear my blocks and become more intuitive was the breakthrough I’ve been waiting for for years! Every single area of my life has measurably improved. My income has increased. I’m finding more fulfillment from my work than ever before. My relationships are getting deeper, especially with myself. I’m hitting health goals that I’ve had for awhile, but could never seem to reach. And on most days, I’m in a default state of being happy. I’m making rapid progress on all areas of my life, and I’m not nearly as hard on myself as I was. Being as connected as I am to source is priceless."

“I Was Burning Out Often And Having A Hard Time 
Keeping Up With My Well-Being.”

-Jocelyn Burke, MA Ed. 
"I found Huna after practicing other healing modalities such as Neuro Linguistic Programming and yoga, and while I was skeptical at first, I can now say it is my favorite modality to work with personally and professionally. At first I found it hard to understand how to work with and apply this concept of "energy", I was burning out often and having a hard time keeping up with my well-being. Doing a few workshops with Dr. Patrick really helped me to see how I could better work with energy and connection with my higher self in my own life for my own healing and well-being, and how I would apply it in the coaching, teaching and healing work I've been doing with others. Now, I absolutely love the incredible amount of energy I have been able to tap into on a daily basis through Huna practices and connection to source, and all of the tools I now have to share with my clients to get even faster and better results!"
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